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Stores In João Pessoa CENTRO Brazil

Here you will find in the city of João Pessoa, wholesale, retail and all kinds of trade in several areas. The important thing here is to do business!
Morais Máquinas de Costura
"Morais Maquinas" offer our customers a wide variety of supplies for confection, through partnerships with credibilitys brands. We serve our clients with ponctuality, satisfying their needs with cutting edge products and good prices.
Morais Máquinas de Costura
"Morais Maquinas" offer our customers a wide variety of supplies for confection, through partnerships with credibilitys brands. We serve our clients with ponctuality, satisfying their needs with cutting edge products and good prices.
BR 230 KM.13 S/N Centro , JOÃO PESSOA
+55 83 32461592